Thursday, June 7, 2007

Ron Paul Attacks Giuliani's Support Of National ID Card

June 07, 2007 During an appearance on MSNBC last night, presidential candidate Ron Paul attacked Rudy Giuliani's support of a national ID card, pointing out that its true agenda was not to keep track of illegal aliens, but to force American citizens to carry their papers and have their privacy invaded by the government.

"They should have a tamper-proof I.D. card. It should be in a database that allows you to figure out who they are, why they're here, make sure they're not illegal immigrants coming here for a bad purpose, and then to be able to throw out the ones who are not in that database," Giuliani stated during the debate on Tuesday night.

Mitt Romney also parroted Giuliani's call for a national ID card, before Giuliani backpedaled and claimed he only supported a national ID card for immigrants and not all American citizens. But since illegal immigrants by their very nature are elusive to track such a distinction is impossible to make without forcing everyone living in the United States to accept an ID card and metering out punishments for those who refuse. If an ID card is introduced, it will be forced upon American citizens as well as immigrants.

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