Friday, December 21, 2007

Media's Attempt to Smear Ron Paul gives White Supremacist millions of dollars worth of news coverage for a mere $500

Media's attempt to smear candidate Ron Paul gives a
white supremacist millions of dollars worth of
extensive media coverage for only $500 but suggest
that it should be free!

Most Americans until recently this December have
never heard of Don Black, but now you can find his
name throughout the Mainstream media reports and
blogs across the internet. Don Black is a
self-admitted white supremacist who runs an online
website called "Stormfront" which runs on the
slogan "White Pride World Wide" which he operates
from his home state of Florida. His recent
explosion of exposure has resulted due to his
donation of $500 to Republican candidate Ron Paul
who is known for his strict adherence and respect
of the constitution as well as his limited government principles.

Ron Paul has achieved nearly top-tier status in the
GOP's race for the presidential primaries and his
recent second fundraising boom has alerted the
mainstream media into a frenzy of hit pieces
against the candidate, along with a few news
sources who go against the trend by giving Ron Paul
an unbiased and sometimes even favorable analysis. was the first news source to
break out with an article concerning Don Black's
monetary endorsement of Ron Paul all the way back
in October but it took the more major media
sources, including Fox News and MSNBC up until Ron
Paul's shocking "Boston Tea Party" in December to
conveniantly take advantage of this material to
smear him during his rise to prominence. is a shoddy and somewhat
unorganized blog based in Houston, TX which is
consistently dedicated to bashing Ron Paul and his
supporters. Of course, it is only fair to mention
the fact that they also run an ad for Ron Paul's
congressional rival as well as a petition to retire
Dr. Paul from congress.

Now that the word of Don Black's donation to Ron
Paul is spamming the internet and recieving
plethoras of comments that show America's divided
opinion on Mr. Paul's refusal to return the
donation to the white supremacist, whose campaign
says that instead they will use the money to
"spread the message of freedom". Even Neil Cavuto
of Fox News could not argue with Ron Paul in an
interview in which they discussed this
controversial event.

Blogs and written news articles that are not
directly speaking with Dr. Paul demand that he
returns the $500 to the White supremacist but the
Paul campaign says that doing so would allow him to
spend the money on his racist agenda rather than
the campaign of freedom and liberty, which is
obviously superior. Why let the white supremacist
who has gotten away with so much moneys worth of
free news coverage get it all for free anyways?

Other writers demand that Ron Paul donate that
money to "charities", often suggesting
organizations that promote zionism. Why would the
Paul campaign contribute to these supposedly
"charitable" organizations that support a nation
that uses pre-emptive and violent tactics against
it's own neighbors, often using U.S. tax dollars to
carry out these strikes!? Writers of these articles
would like readers to believe that this is what the
honest and forthright politician would spend money
on. This is far from the truth but many readers still fall for it.
In a response to the articles for condemning Ron
Paul for keeping the donations made by Don Black I said:

Ron Paul is so Awesome!

His stand on this issue by not sucking up to the
establishments "unwritten" laws about the
politically correct way to deal with the donation
from a white supremacist is enlightening! The
author of this Ron Paul smear would have you
believe that the fact that Ron Paul is refusing
this contribution is indicative of the fact that he
"knows" that he will not win. On the contrary,
perhaps the confidence in doing something out of
the ordinary has a potential chance in increasing
his chances in the race for president.

The latest wave of Ron Paul bashing articles has to
do with his outstanding grassroots fundraisers for
the Boston Tea Party... the media will shit itself
over Ron Paul, the anti-banker, the representitive
of the people! That is why this old information is
just now leaking out at a conveniant time for the
media to grab onto in an effort to smear the man
who embodies integrity and frankness.

This article fails to mention why Don Black decided
to give his contribution to Ron Paul, which he said
was about Ron Paul's policies, namely the fact that
Ron paul is opposed to a police state and his want
to strengthen the borders. Black noted that he knew
that Ron Paul was not a white supremacist or a
racist. The truth is that Ron Paul has spoken
against racism and has never done anything to
solicit the support of white supremacists unless it
was by simply being for free speech (which includes
the free speech of controversial topics like the
ones Don speaks about).

Articles like this would like to tell you that
because Ron Paul has allowed an openly racist
figure to donate to his campaign he has implicitly
suggested that he believes in racist ideology. This
is purely illogical. People donate to candidates
because the person who is running endorses the
ideas that the donater wants addressed, not the
other way around.